Join us in praying for those who were affected by hurricane Sandy. Make sure to look around and reach out to those who are in your neighborhood, that may need a helping hand because of the storm.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
It is not too late if you would like to come with us on our mission's trip to the City of Refuge in Jamaica this February 16th-23rd!! We are purchasing tickets THIS WEEK!!! The City of Refuge is a children's home that takes kids off the streets of Jamaica and gives them hope and a future. It is a great place to go and pour your life into! If you would like more details please email us at and we can send you an application today!
Please join us in prayer for the City of Refuge, which is the children's home in Jamaica that we do mission work at every year.
Please continue to keep everyone in your prayers...the property has sustained damage, but everyone is ok!.....The caretakers house and the Blue house lost their roofs and the dining room received damage. The directors house took on a lot of water, as well as the other buildings....The dorms flooded where the children are.....Pray for them tonight as they try to go to sleep and then get up and start the process of assessing and clean-up....thanks for all your continued prayers!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
It's not too late!!!! Join others who are giving back this year, and sponsor a family for Thanksgiving for only $20.00!
For more details, click on the tab that says "Thanksgiving" right here on our website! Some people are desperately in need of a blessing this holiday season.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Will you join us today in doing one kind act for someone, just to bless them? Let's begin to change our communities by simply starting to care for others more then ourselves....
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Sunday is not the destination spot for the church, but the launching point for what goes on during the week with reaching out to others!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A HUGE THANK YOU to the classes from Berkshire Christian School who came to the Berkshire Dream Center yesterday to help out! You guys did an awesome job and we greatly appreciate all of your help!! The students that came donated food to our pantry, packed food bags and sorted clothes. You were a blessing to us and many others who will be touched by what you did. God bless you!
Love this- "In order to make more of a difference.... we all need to work a little bit harder. Me included!"- Movie, "Won't Back Down"
Friday, October 12, 2012
Don't forget to come stop by and see us tonight at the Congo Church in North Adams from 5-7pm! All are welcome.
Tomorrow we will be open at the VFW on River street from 12:30-2:00! Then from 2-3:30 will be orientation for anyone who wants to get involved and volunteer with us!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Thank you Scott Ingalls at the North Adams Movieplex & Becky Miner @ Zumba Fitness in the Berkshires for placing one of BDC's Winter Clothing Drive bins at your business! Now let's fill it up everyone with hats, gloves, and scarves!!!! Let's bless those in your local community this winter season!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Berkshire Dream Center's Winter Clothing Drive. "If you don't wear it, share it!"
Items that we need are: hats, gloves, and scarves!!Starting Friday, drop off boxes will be located at the North Adams Movieplex, Zumba in the Berkshires@Union Station, and all of our locations when we are open. Come bless others in your local community!!

Items that we need are: hats, gloves, and scarves!!Starting Friday, drop off boxes will be located at the North Adams Movieplex, Zumba in the Berkshires@Union Station, and all of our locations when we are open. Come bless others in your local community!!

This Thanksgiving…
a family with time together around a hot meal for
only $20.00!
only $20.00!
With your donation, you are providing dinner
for a family who would otherwise not be able to have a Thanksgiving meal. Your
donation will buy a turkey, vegetables, stuffing,
and cranberry sauce.
and cranberry sauce.
Each family will be able pick up their meal at
the center on November 19th, so they have time to prepare it for
their own families. If
you would like to bless a family this holiday season:
can give cash, or write your check out to: Berkshire
Dream Center
number of donations that we receive is how many families we will be able to
mail donations to the Berkshire Dream Center at P.O. Box 1987 Lanesboro, MA
01237 or bring your donation to the office by
November 3rd 2012.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Service today at BDC from 1-2! Come join us for a refreshing time of hearing God's word, followed by hanging out with God's people. Thank God it's Sunday!!!!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Heading to bed before a day full of service in Pittsfield. Hitting the streets tomorrow (Saturday) with Adopt A Block from 10-12:30 and then orientation and training for ANYONE who wants to get involved form 1:00-3:00 right at 41 Cherry Street. If you would like to grab a trash bag and join us tomorrow in cleaning up the streets just show up at 10:00 at BDC! The more hands that help out the more of a difference we can make!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
A HUGE thank you to Panera Bread for donating some of their leftover food today to the Berkshire Dream Center! Many will be blessed by your generous giving.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
YOLO- You Only Live Once.
What will you do with the one life that God has given you?
Monday, October 1, 2012
Don't forget that tonight we are open from 4-6pm :) Come stop by and have a hot cup of coffee on us. Fall is finally here!
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