
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Tuesday everyone!! This weekend God blessed us with great fellowship starting with Friday at the COTY Center! I know this is a few days late... but we hope that you had a fantastic 4th of July with your friends and family! The parade in Pittsfield was great with hundreds of people coming together as a community. :)

God has been speaking something to our hearts these past few weeks and we would love to share it with you. This concept is really shaping how we do ministry and the focus of our organization as we continue to move forward...
     What is church? What do you automatically think of when that question is asked? Is the first thing you think of a church building where people attend on a Sunday morning?? If it is, let me ask you this: Did God send His Son so that we can only come into a building on Sunday for a few hours? Or did He send Him for something more? If we believe that it was for something more, then why do we not take it past the four walls of the church where we attend??
Church isn't just about going to a building on Sunday morning for a few hours. Yes, we need that time of fellowship and we believe that is important... but that isn't all that we are supposed to be doing. The church of God needs to be active everyday of the week.  Jesus came so that we can GO and MAKE disciples.To go out, reach out and love others who aren't the ones lined up at the door on a Sunday morning. To find hurting and broken people who are in need of a Savior. The church of God needs to be ALIVE and ACTIVE more then the drug dealers, pimps, and addicts looking for others to commiserate with. 
While Pastor Katelynn was walking through the streets of North Adams doing Adopt A Block a few weeks ago, God hit her with a question as she was talking with people: What are you doing to reach those who will not be attending "church" on Sunday?? Let us ask you that same question.What are you doing to reach those who will not be attending your church service on Sunday? How will they come to know the love of Christ that you have received?

Get involved in your community and in other people's lives so that they can see the hope in you! Give back! 
"just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”- Matthew 20:28. 

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